2023: The Year of the PR’s
It’s December and I thought I’d share a little recap of my incredible year. 2023 was the year of multiple PR’s! 2023’s goals and dreams started back in September of 2022 when I signed up for the lottery for the Berlin Marathon with literally no hope I was actually going to get a spot since I didn’t even have a marathon time to put in when I registered. And because there was no hope or thought that I would actually get the spot, I signed up for the Providence Marathon since I was DETERMINED to run a marathon in 2023.
I trained for my first marathon through the cold as heck winter, my hydration pack hose even froze mid run on one of my early morning runs! I focused on the miles and distance - speed work was no where to be found. Early mornings, long has heck runs, and the longest training cycle of my life brought me to my first marathon in Providence, RI. Race day was what killed me. It was 80 freaking degrees in May and the course was full of stupid hills. This was an emotional race for me. My stomach was a mess and I couldn’t coke down another gel after my second one around mile 8. I took my first of many walking breaks right after the half way mark which was less than ideal for me. From here I struggled. At mile 16 I could finally stomach another gel and I was trying to bring myself back to life at this point. By mile 23 all I wanted to do was cry, I didn’t even think that I was going to come close to my 5 hour goal. The last big hill right before the finish line I was going to walk up but then I saw my brother at the top cheering me on so I had to muster up everything I had left and I powered up the hill and sprinted to the finish. I finished in 5 hours and 11 minutes. (default PR since it was my first marathon)
I took about a month off before having to kick back into marathon training because against all odds I got into Berlin! This training cycle was shorter (16 weeks instead of 20) and it was in the disgusting heat and humidity of summer. Early mornings to beat the heat, sun burns and tan lines, countless cold showers and a bunch of food. I added speed work in and pushed myself a lot. A week before we left for Berlin I ran a 5k and snagged a PR and came in first in my age group, clocking in at 26:37! (PR #2 for the year).
We flew out to Berlin a few days before the race. Race day was a bit chilly and I was shivering waiting in line for the portapotties. This race I had more of a plan and pace strategy. I pretty much cruised right along keeping to my goal pace. The water stops were slippery so that was not fun running through each one. My favorite was the fire trucks that were spraying water and you could run through it! At mile 23.5 my legs were just not having it and I walked for probably 10 steps before I made myself run again. I stopped to walk again at mile 24.5. After that I told myself no more walking and powdered through. Once I saw the Brandenburg gate I pushed myself to a full on sprint. I clocked in with a 45 minute PR at 4 hours and 35 minutes! (PR #3). I put my blood, sweat and tears into this race - literally - my thighs chaffed so bad, it was a bloody mess. That post race shower hurt like hell and there was a lot of swearing involved. The day after we went to the zoo and aquarium because I was determined not to make everyone else wait around on our vacation. And to be honest the walking helped me recover a lot faster.
Flash forward to November, I was convinced by a fellow run clubber to run a local 5k so I obviously had to sign up for it! Initially I was going to just run it for fun and not care about the time but then I got there and I figured what the hell, let’s see what I can do on a hilly course. I made myself not look at my watch during this race and just went by feel. I think this helped a lot since I wasn’t focusing on my pace and I didn’t really have a goal in mind. I walked half way up the last hill on the course because it was huge and steep! I clocked in at 25:06! Then I ate some really good food after! (PR #4 and the last one of the year!)
I didn’t really go into this year with any expectations just that I wanted to run a marathon (and I ened up running 2!) . I set realistic goals and then pushed myself. I put my blood, sweat and tears into my training cycles and races. I woke up early, got in the long miles, ran in the snow and the heat and humidity, ran in down pouring rain, ate way more than I have ever eaten, lifted the heaviest weights I’ve ever lifted, and I can honestly say I’ve enjoyed every minute of it! That was 2023 and I can’t wait to see what 2024 brings!