Catalyst Fitness Personal Training

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Underrated Fitness Tip - Daily Steps

The most underrated tip to see results is daily steps.


Because when it comes down to total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) Non exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) makes up the majority. (this is excluding the fact that your basial metabolic rate is where the most of your energy expenditure is from, you just can’t control that.)

That means the every day movement that you do - walking the dog, taking the stairs, cleaning the house, doing yard work, etc. - all go into the NEAT category. This is why step goals are so popular. If you increase your NEAT you will increase the energy you’re expending - especially important when trying to lose weight and being in a calorie deficit.

So if this is so important, why is it so underrated?

Well, I believe that it’s because when we think of fitness and being healthy we instantly think of spending hours in the gym and even worse hours on a cardio machine, which frankly isn’t how you’re going to crush your goals.

I think we get stuck into thinking that if it isn’t intense it isn’t worth it. Walking just seems too easy and that’s why I think we write it off.

Here are some tips to get in more steps!

  • go for a walk on your lunch break or after work

  • park in the back of the parking lot at work and stores

  • take the stairs instead of the elevator

  • get up every hour to stretch your legs

  • end your workouts with 10 minutes of walking on the treadmill

We all have busy lives but know that our health is important and sometimes we need some motivation to make or continue these healthy habits. That’s why I’ve made a 30 day challenge for June! Check out my instagram for the Hydration & movement challenge! You’ll chose a daily step goal that will challenge you (and a water goal!) and try to hit these goals daily with the extra motivation of being in the running to win a Starbucks gift card!